Printable Coupons on


Our printable coupon option is a great way to increase sales while tracking the effectiveness of your ad here at Columbia4Kids. We encourage you to offer a special that is compelling and not offered anywhere else for best results.

What Goes on the Coupon?

You have a full page to design your coupon. It will be outlined with a dotted line and have a plain background, ideal for printing. You may include a graphic and any text you like. We recommend you add an expiration date as well as driving directions.

Coupons that can be redeemed online should link directly to the special offer page.

Setup Charges for Printable Coupons

There is a setup fee for setting up the coupon and all coupons must be purchased in conjunction with a button ad. However the same coupon (with minor changes such as dates or offer details) can be reused indefinitely.

Coupon Index

All coupons appear on on the Coupon Index for easy reference and printing by our members.

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